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فلترة حسب
We report on measurements of the spin lifetime of nuclear spins strongly coupled to a micromechanical cantilever as used in magnetic resonance force microscopy. We find that the rotating-frame correlation time of the statistical nuclear polarization is set by the magneto-mechanical noise originating from the thermal motion of the cantilever. Evidence is based on the effect of three parameters: (1) the magnetic field gradient (the coupling strength), (2) the Rabi frequency of the spins (the transition energy), and (3) the temperature of the low-frequency mechanical modes. Experimental results are compared to relaxation rates calculated from the spectral density of the magneto-mechanical noise.
58 - V.M. Biryukov 2007
Tabrizi et al. [physics/0701342] discuss the feasibility of an electron-based crystal undulator (e-CU) by planar channeling of 50 GeV electrons through a periodically bent crystal. We show that their scheme is not feasible. First, their undulator par ameter is K >> 1 always, which destroys photon interference. Second, they overestimate the electron dechanneling length in e-CU by an order of magnitude, which shortens the number N of e-CU periods from 5-15 (as they hope) to just 1-2. This kills their e-CU concept again. We made first simulation of electron channeling in undulated crystal and conclude that an electron-based crystal wiggler is feasible with wiggler strength K=10 and number of periods N=2.
We extend the validity of Dains angular-momentum inequality to maximal, asymptotically flat, initial data sets on a simply connected manifold with several asymptotically flat ends which are invariant under a U(1) action and which admit a twist potential.
68 - Mayumi Aoki 2008
We study bounds on Higgs boson masses from perturbative unitarity in the Georgi-Machacek model, whose Higgs sector is composed of a scalar isospin doublet, a real and a complex isospin triplet fields. This model can be compatible with the electroweak precision data without fine tuning because of the imposed global SU(2)_R symmetry in the Higgs potential, by which the electroweak rho parameter is unity at the tree level. All possible two-body elastic-scattering channels are taken into account to evaluate the S-wave amplitude matrix, and then the condition of perturbative unitarity is imposed on the eigenvalues to obtain constraint on the Higgs parameters. Masses of all scalar bosons turn out to be bounded from above, some of which receive more strict upper bounds as compared to that in the standard model (712 GeV). In particular, the upper bound of the lightest scalar boson, whatever it would be, is about 270 GeV.
The hysteretic ac loss of a current-carrying conductor in which multiple superconducting strips are polygonally arranged around a cylindrical former is theoretically investigated as a model of superconducting cables. Using the critical state model, w e analytically derive the ac loss $Q_n$ of a total of $n$ strips. The normalized loss $Q_n/Q_1$ is determined by the number of strips $n$ and the ratio of the strip width $2w$ to the diameter $2R$ of the cylindrical former. When $n>> 1$ and $w/R<< 1$, the behavior of $Q_n$ is similar to that of an infinite array of coplanar strips.
The load of a node in a network is the total traffic going through it when every node pair sustains a uniform bidirectional traffic between them on shortest paths. We show that nodal load can be expressed in terms of the more elementary notion of a n odes descents in breadth-first-search (BFS or shortest-path) trees, and study both the descent and nodal-load distributions in the case of scale-free networks. Our treatment is both semi-analytical (combining a generating-function formalism with simulation-derived BFS branching probabilities) and computational for the descent distribution; it is exclusively computational in the case of the load distribution. Our main result is that the load distribution, even though it can be disguised as a power-law through subtle (but inappropriate) binning of the raw data, is in fact a succession of sharply delineated probability peaks, each of which can be clearly interpreted as a function of the underlying BFS descents. This find is in stark contrast with previously held belief, based on which a power law of exponent -2.2 was conjectured to be valid regardless of the exponent of the power-law distribution of node degrees.
250 - C. Ates , A. Eisfeld , J. M. Rost 2007
We show that nuclear motion of Rydberg atoms can be induced by resonant dipole-dipole interactions that trigger the energy transfer between two energetically close Rydberg states. How and if the atoms move depends on their initial arrangement as well as on the initial electronic excitation. Using a mixed quantum/classical propagation scheme we obtain the trajectories and kinetic energies of atoms, initially arranged in a regular chain and prepared in excitonic eigenstates. The influence of off-diagonal disorder on the motion of the atoms is examined and it is shown that irregularity in the arrangement of the atoms can lead to an acceleration of the nuclear dynamics.
We measure current by counting single electrons tunneling through an InAs nanowire quantum dot. The charge detector is realized by fabricating a quantum point contact in close vicinity to the nanowire. The results based on electron counting compare w ell to a direct measurements of the quantum dot current, when taking the finite bandwidth of the detector into account. The ability to detect single electrons also opens up possibilities for manipulating and detecting individual spins in nanowire quantum dots.
Recently, an image encryption scheme based on a compound chaotic sequence was proposed. In this paper, the security of the scheme is studied and the following problems are found: (1) a differential chosen-plaintext attack can break the scheme with on ly three chosen plain-images; (2) there is a number of weak keys and some equivalent keys for encryption; (3) the scheme is not sensitive to the changes of plain-images; and (4) the compound chaotic sequence does not work as a good random number resource.
The energy spectra of hadron cascade showers produced by the cosmic ray muons travelling through water as well as the muon energy spectra underwater at the depth up to 4 km are calculated with two models of muon inelastic scattering on nuclei, the re cent hybrid model (two-component, 2C) and the well-known generalized ector-meson-dominance model for the comparison. The 2C model involves photonuclear interactions at low and moderate virtualities as well as the hard scattering including the weak neutral current processes. For the muon scattering off nuclei substantial uclear effects, shadowing, nuclear binding and Fermi motion of nucleons are taken into account. It is shown that deep nderwater muon energy spectrum calculated with the 2C model are noticeably distorted at energies above 100 TeV as compared to that obtained with the GVMD model.

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